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NEW Divorce & Beyond: Hope & Healing
Written by Bill Koontz, Dan Cox, and Paulette Liburd
The NEW Divorce & Beyond book will be published and available for purchase in 2024. Send us your name and email to be added to our interest list and be the first to know when the book is available for purchase. Thank you for your support!
MANUSCRIPT SENT TO PUBLISHER! Here’s a 90 sec. video to watch Dan, Paulette, and Bill celebrate hitting send!
Follow our page and our journey to launch the book.
SUPPORT GROUPS are being held at a variety of our Partner Churches. See Partners Tab
DivorceCare for Kids is also held at All Church
DIVORCE HURTS, BUT WE CAN HELP! If you are separated from your spouse, going through a divorce, or are divorced, we encourage you to attend this event.
We understand the feelings of rejection, anger, fear, isolation, betrayal, guilt and helplessness that can result from divorce. You may feel like you are on an emotional roller coaster – one day you feel fine, the next day you feel hopeless. Emotions have a way of fooling us into believing that things will never change or get better. During this time it is critical to gain a healthy perspective by understanding the root of your emotions, which will enable you to take the necessary steps to move forward with your life.
Divorce & Beyond addresses these issues in a safe, supportive environment. People are seated at tables (men and women are at separate tables for the main seminar) and given opportunities to share, facilitated by a trained leader. We’ve found that these initial discussions are best conducted in gender specific settings. However, the workshops during the sessions and the optional support groups that meet after the sessions are co-ed. Each support group has a male and a female facilitator, enabling us to learn from one another.
- Safe, warm and welcoming
- Loving and caring; Non-judgmental
- Sense of community
- Wounded healers are leaders/volunteers
- Respectful of differing view points
- Sensitive to individuals in various stages of crisis and loss
30th Anniversary
D&B celebrated 30 years of ministry to the over 4,000 people (adults and children) dealing with the challenges of divorce on November 4th! Check out these pics and video.

Frequently Asked Questions
Questions? Check out our FAQ page. Still have questions? Feel free to drop us an email.
Divorce & Beyond Online Seminar
If you are unable to attend one of our seminars, there is another option! We now offer a Divorce and Beyond ONLINE COURSE through Relational Peace University. The Divorce and Beyond course is designed to be taken over several weeks, with questions and actions to help implement all you are learning on the journey of recovery. We encourage you to take advantage of all the course has to offer, at your own pace and in your own location.
The Divorce and Beyond Course can be taken at the link below:
“Divorce & Beyond is life-changing. In one day, I’ve learned more than I have in 4 years being divorced.”
– D&B Participant